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러시아 연방 중앙은행 수석 부총재, 괴한 총격으로 사망 (영문첨부)

러시아 연방 중앙은행의 안드레이 코즐로프 수석 부총재가 13일밤 괴한들의 총격을 받고 병원으로 후송된 뒤 사망했습니다.

러시아 당국자들은 코즐로프 부총재가 러시아 금융제도내 부정부패 척결운동을 이끌어온 점을 지적하며 이에 불만을 품은 사람이 청부살인업자에게 사주한 것으로 보인다고 말했습니다.

러시아 당국자들은 13일밤 코즐로프 부총재가 모스크바 동북부 소콜니키 구역에 있는 한 경기장을 나서던 중 괴한 두명으로부터 총격을 받았다고 말했습니다.

괴한들은 범행후 도주했으며 코즐로프 씨의 운전기사는 현장에서 즉사했습니다. 코즐로프 씨는 병원으로 후송돼 긴급수술을 받았으나 몇시간뒤 숨졌습니다.


The deputy head of Russia's Central Bank has died in a Moscow hospital after being shot several times Wednesday in what officials believe was a contract killing.

Russian officials say they believe Andrei Kozlov was murdered in revenge for his campaign to clean up corruption in Russia's banking system.

Officials say two gunmen shot the 41-year-old central banker and his driver Wednesday night as they left a sports arena in the Sokolniki district of northeastern Moscow. The driver was killed on the spot, and the gunmen fled the scene.

Kozlov underwent emergency surgery in a hospital, but died several hours later.

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov opened a Cabinet meeting today with a minute of silence for Kozlov, whose killing he described as a great loss.

Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin described Kozlov as a courageous man who led the battle against financial crime and harmed the interests of corrupt bankers.