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타이완 검찰, 천수이벤 전 총통 부인 조사 (E)

타이완 검찰은 부정부패 혐의로 구속수감된 천수이벤 전 총통의 부인인 우수전 여사를 15일 소환 조사했습니다.

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우 여사는 2년전 대통령 특별 자금을 횡령한 혐의로 기소된 바 있습니다.

타이완 당국은 14일 공금횡령, 돈세탁, 뇌물수수와 위조 혐의로 천수이벤 전 총통을 구속 수감했습니다. 하지만 천 전 총통은 모든 혐의를 강력히 부인하고, 자신의 수감에 항의해 4일째 단식 농성을 전개하고 있습니다.

천 전 총통은 지난 8월 자신이 접수한 선거운동 기부금 내역을 완전히 공개하지 않았다고 인정한 바 있습니다.


Taiwan prosecutors say they have questioned the wife of jailed former President Chen Shui-bian as part of a corruption investigation.

Prosecutors say Wu Shu-chen was questioned today (Saturday)about corruption allegations that led to Mr. Chen's detention Wednesday.

Taiwan's wheelchair-bound former first lady was indicted two years ago on charges of embezzling money from a special presidential fund.

Authorities jailed Mr. Chen on suspicion of embezzlement, money laundering, taking bribes and forgery. He denies the allegations and has been on a hunger strike for four days to protest his detention.

Mr. Chen can be held up to four months to prevent him from communicating with alleged co-conspirators before prosecutors have to charge him.

Mr. Chen admitted in August that he did not fully disclose campaign donations he received.