연결 가능 링크

중국, 올림픽 보안 유지에 총력 (E)

중국은 8일 시작되는 베이징 올림픽 개막식 막바지 준비에 여념이 없는 가운데 올림픽대회 기간중 보안 유지를 위해 총력을 기울이고 있다고 말했습니다. 베이징에서는 현재 10만명 이상의 준 군사병력이 올림픽 기간 동안의 보안유지를 위해 배치돼 있습니다.

중국 당국은 감시카메라와, 지대공 미사일, 제복을 입은 보안 요원들을 동원해 올림픽 경기에 혼란을 초래할 수 있을 국내외의 모든 요소를 제거하려 노력하고 있습니다.

최근 중국 북서부 신장지구에서 발생한 폭력사태는 중국 당국을 더욱 긴장하게 만들었습니다.

올림픽 개막을 하루 앞둔7일 저녁에는 수 천 명 군중의 환호속에 만리장성에서 올림픽 성화가 봉송됐습니다.


China says it is making every effort to provide adequate security for the Olympics in Beijing, where authorities have deployed more than 100-thousand police and paramilitary troops to guard the games.

Up to one million visitors, including world leaders, international athletes and global celebrities are expected to come to the city for the games.

Chinese authorities will use everything from hidden cameras, surface to air missiles and uniformed security officers to prevent any potential domestic or international disruptions.

Recent unrest in China's northwestern Xinjiang region has added to the tension in Beijing. Chinese officials say suspected Islamist terrorists in the region represent the biggest security threat to the games.

In July, Chinese authorities announced they had broken up 12 terrorist organizations in Xinjiang and arrested scores of individuals allegedly planning to target the August Olympic Games.

China has expressed concern that some Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang have separatist intentions and are involved in terrorist activities.

Xinjiang's ethnic Uighurs have been waging a low-level rebellion against Chinese rule for years. Human rights advocates and Uighur groups say Chinese authorities often use terrorism as a pretext to persecute the country's Muslim minority.

Excitement is running high among Olympic fans in Beijing, as China puts the finishing touches on preparations for Friday's opening ceremonies.

Thousands of people cheered as the Olympic torch was carried across the Great Wall Thursday in an elaborate ceremony.