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짐바브웨 여야, 권력분담 합의 임박 (E)

짐바브웨의 집권 여당과 야당이 국내 정치위기를 끝내기 위한 권력 분점 협상을 거의 타결한 것으로 알려졌습니다.

남아프리카 공화국의 '스타' 신문은 익명의 정통한 소식통을 인용해, 모건 창기라이 야당 총재가 총리직을 맡고, 로버트 무가베 현 대통령은 대통령직을 유지하되 의전상의 역할만 맡는 합의안에 짐바브웨 여야가 거의 합의했다고 보도했습니다.

짐바브웨 여야는 이같은 보도를 확인하지 않았습니다.


A South African newspaper says Zimbabwe's ruling party and opposition are close to a power-sharing deal aimed at ending the country's political crisis.

The Star newspaper, citing unnamed sources close to the talks, say the agreement would make opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai executive prime minister. The paper says President Robert Mugabe would remain in office but assume a ceremonial role.

There has been no confirmation of the report from either party.

Zimbabwe's state-run "Herald" newspaper reports that the parties are expanding their negotiating teams after extending the talks on Monday. The paper quotes the ruling party's information minister (Christopher Mutsvangwa) as saying "the omen is good."

The talks in South Africa began two weeks ago after Mr. Mugabe was re-elected in a poll that the opposition and many international observers dismissed as a sham.