연결 가능 링크

이스라엘-헤즈볼라 포로교환, 군인 2명 신원 확인

이스라엘 당국자들은 16일 레바논 무장단체 헤즈볼라로부터 포로 교환의 일환으로 이스라엘 측 군인 2명의 유해를 양도 받고, 이들의 신원을 확인했습니다.

이들은 지난 2006년 헤즈볼라의 국경 공격 당시 생포됐었습니다. 당시 공격으로 한 달 간의 교전이 발생했었습니다. 헤즈볼라 측 보안 당국자는 처음으로 이들의 사망을 공식 확인했습니다.

희생자들의 집에 모인 가족과 친구들은 소식을 들은 뒤 슬픔에 휩싸였습니다.

Israeli officials have confirmed the identities of two soldiers whose remains were handed over by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah today (Wednesday) as part of a prisoner exchange with Israel.

The soldiers (Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev) were captured in a 2006 cross-border attack by Hezbollah that sparked a month-long war. A Hezbollah security official (Wafik Safa) disclosed for the first time today that the soldiers were dead.

Family and friends who gathered at the homes of the soldiers were stricken with grief after hearing the news.

Meanwhile, Lebanon has prepared a red-carpet welcome for five Lebanese prisoners to be handed over by Israel. The five include Samir Kantar, who was part of a 1979 cross-border attack that killed three Israelis, including two children.

Israel also is required to hand over the bodies of 200 Lebanese and Palestinian fighters. The Red Cross says it has handed over the bodies of eight Hezbollah fighters.