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미국, 하마스 정책 변화 없어 (E)

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The U.S. State Department says Palestinian militant group Hamas has shown no change in its policy toward Israel following former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's recent talks with its leaders.

On Monday, State Department spokesman Tom Casey downplayed Mr. Carter's suggestion that Hamas was prepared to accept Israel as a neighbor if certain conditions are met.

Casey said the Palestinian faction still does not recognize Israel's right to exist and has refused to renounce terrorism and violence.

The United States and Israel have criticized Mr. Carter for meeting with Hamas, which both countries consider a terrorist group.

But Mr. Carter says peace in Israel is impossible without engaging Hamas. He met recently with the group's exiled leader Khaled Meshaal in Syria.

In violence Monday, the Israeli military says its forces killed three Palestinian militants in two incidents in the northern Gaza Strip.