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부시 대통령, 압바스 팔레스타인 수반과 정상회담 (E)

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부시 대통령은 앞서 9일 에후드 올메르트 이스라엘 총리와 정상회담을 가졌습니다.

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U.S. President George Bush says he believes there will be a signed peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians by the time he leaves office a year from now.

Speaking at a joint news conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Mr. Bush said he is convinced that both Israeli and Palestinian leaders "understand the importance of democratic states living side by side" in peace.

Mr. Bush also called on the Palestinian leadership to rein in militants trying to derail peace efforts.

He said Hamas which now controls the Gaza Strip has "delivered nothing but misery" to Palestinians living in the territory.

President Bush said he expects both Israel and the Palestinians to "honor their obligations under the road map" peace plan. He described the current round of peace negotiations as a historic opportunity for reaching a two-state solution.

In his remarks, Mr. Abbas said he hopes "this year will be the year for the creation of peace."