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이스라엘·이집트 정상회담 - 이스라엘·팔레스타인 문제 논의 (Eng)

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Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak are meeting today (Thursday) in a bid to revive stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Egypt's Middle East News Agency reports that Mr. Mubarak told Mr. Olmert that Egypt condemns an Israeli raid on the Palestinian city of Ramallah today. The raid took place hours before the summit in a Sinai resort town (Sharm el-Sheikh).

Israeli troops moved into Ramallah earlier today with armored carriers and bulldozers. Witnesses say at least four Palestinians were killed and at least 20 injured during the raid.

Israeli media are reporting that Israel wanted to arrest a militant from the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, an offshoot of the Fatah group. The reports say the man escaped.

An Israeli army spokesperson says four Palestinians were detained.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has condemned the raid. In a statement, he said it proves that Israeli calls for peace are fake.