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각국 정부들, 레바논에 발묶인 자국민 대피노력 집중 (영문첨부)

전세계 각국 정부들은 이스라엘의 폭격으로 레바논에 발이 묶여 있는 자국민들을 대피시키기 위해 노력을 집중하고 있습니다.

수십척의 해군 및 전세선박들은 안전을 위해 키프로스 섬과 터키로 대피하려는 외국인들을 싣고 21일 레바논 항구를 떠났습니다.

레바논을 탈출한 대규모 인파는 그러나 작은섬 키프로스 에 넘쳐나고 있으며 키프로스측은 유럽 연합에 이들의 귀국을 위해 협력해줄 것을 요청하고 있습니다.


Governments across the world are intensifying efforts to evacuate their citizens trapped by Israel's bombardment of Lebanon.

On Friday, dozens of naval and chartered vessels left ports in Lebanon, bringing foreign nationals to safety in Cyprus and Turkey.

The mass exodus from Lebanon to Cyprus, however, is overwhelming the small island nation, which has asked the European Union to help transfer them home.

The United States, France, Britain, Canada, Germany, Australia and India are among the countries organizing evacuations.

Meanwhile, the Geneva-based International Organization for Migration says tens of thousands of migrants from poor developing countries are stranded in Lebanon.

The I.O.M. says governments that do not have the money to help their nationals in Lebanon, like Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Ethiopia, are requesting that Lebanon transport them to Syria and Jordan.