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몬트리얼 유엔기후회의 9일 폐막 (영문기사 첨부)

캐나다 몬트리얼에서 열린 유엔 기후회의 참석대표들은 곧 세계기후변화에 대한 사흘 간의 회의를 마칩니다.

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Delegates of the major industrial nations are set to conclude a three-day meeting on combating global climate change.

The United Nations climate conference in Montreal is aimed at continuing the work of the Kyoto Protocol on reducing so-called "greenhouse," or heat-trapping, gas emissions into the atmosphere.

The United States is not a part of the Kyoto protocol. The Bush administration says the accord is too costly and excludes developing nations such as China and India from requirements to reduce greenhouse gases.